Category: In the People’s Interest
Information that is important and relevant to the people of Montana.
White Montana must join fight to end racism
Posted onWe are living in an historic time. Our nation is in tumult with a deadly viral pandemic, on the verge of an economic collapse, dealing with a presidential administration that is shockingly unhinged in the eyes of many, and suffering from deadly viral racism. As black, brown and indigenous folks here at The Montana Racial […]
Daines a Trump lackey; Bullock the senator we need
Posted on“I am thanking the president for his leadership.” That was the response of Montana Sen. Steve Daines to the action of President Donald Trump ordering federal troops to use force to push back peaceful demonstrators so he could stroll, uninvited, to the grounds of St. John’s Church. Trump gave no unifying speech, answered no questions. […]
Incompetent Trump, Daines and Gianforte follow him
Posted onWe must put country before incompetent president “Under the leadership of Donald Trump, our country is weaker and sicker and poorer.” Those are the words from prominent Republicans, former leaders, Republicans who care about America and Americans. We have been watching our country explode with rage and we have a president who has sent our […]
Country should reaffirm belief in diversity, justice
Posted onThe continued killings of black people by white people fill me with sadness and angst. Our democratic institutions are failing us. Many elected leaders and even some courts and police departments are turning a blind eye to each citizen’s constitutional right to equal treatment under the law. I search for hope in these troubling times. […]
Trump’s policies threaten our place in the world
Posted onPatriotism is defined as love of and loyalty to one’s country. Sometimes it is pitted against globalism, which transcends boundaries. But this is a false dichotomy. Trump’s opposition to patriotism is jingoism, a boastful, so-called superiority and an aggressive, warlike foreign policy. But is Trump truly patriotic? Or is he just a jingoist and his […]
Time to finally admit that white privilege exists
Posted onI grew up in northern Wyoming and now live in Bozeman. Given the racial composition in this part of the country, it could be easy to think that “white privilege” somehow applies less to me, my family or this community. Believing so would be naïve. Both of my grandfathers fought in WWII and benefited when […]
We must all work toward justice, righteousness
Posted onBy RABBI MARK KULA AND RABBI ED STAFMAN Guest columnists As Bozeman rabbis, we are horrified by the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and far too many others. We stand in solidarity with people of color and indigenous populations in calling for equal justice under the law. As Jews, we cannot remain […]
Don’t let the government make this all about Floyd and Trump’s America is Wrong
Posted onDon’t let the government make this all about Floyd The white power structure calls for peace ignoring black citizens’ cries for mercy. Recent protests are not only about George Floyd. Sure there are bad actors interested in personal gain but there is more going on here. White power wants to make this another “unfortunate incident” […]
Trump embodies all that Christians say they oppose and Hatred can no longer be called freedom of speech
Posted onTrump embodies all that Christians say they oppose One of the most disturbing incidents in the past week of unrest occurred when President Trump had police use tear gas on peaceful protesters so that he could pose in front of a church holding a Bible. He seemed unfamiliar with how to hold “a Bible,” so […]