In the People's Interest

A frustrating session of the Montana Legislature

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Denise Hayman

Written by Representative Denise Hayman, HD66 – published on May 29, 2021 “It was a frustrating and wasted session for ratepayers and small business owners alike. It was also a session where Republicans broke their promises to focus on jobs and the economy on behalf of all Montanans. Instead, they spent their time trying to […]

In the People's Interest

Board of Regents – Legislature – Gun Laws

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Regents must challenge concealed carry in court The Montana University System has a professional and ethical obligation to challenge HB 102 in court. This bill is ostensibly meant to make our communities safer; however, even a cursory glance at the bill shows that to be a deeply specious claim. Montana State University employed over 4,000 […]

In the People's Interest

This reckless legislative session lowered the bar

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By REP. MARY ANN DUNWELL Guest columnist There’s nowhere to go but up. Our 67th Montana Legislature hit the lowest bar ever. We need to join together, do damage control, and make sure such a reckless, overreaching, power-grabbing session never happens again in our beloved state. The 2021 session was unprecedented for its hybrid nature, […]

In the People's Interest

Everything to gain from shifting away from coal

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As of May 7, COVID-19 has killed 3.3 million people worldwide. That’s terrible. Worse, 2.6 times as many died from air pollution in 2018. A new study from University College London estimates that air pollution from burning fossil fuels caused 8.7 million premature deaths worldwide in 2018; almost one out of every five deaths that […]

In the People's Interest

GOP should stand up to effort to overthrow party

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The “Republican Civil War” appears now to have reached a turning point, as Kevin McCarthy and other Re-Trumplican leaders are demanding total allegiance — and that means that lawmakers like Liz Cheney must be removed from office, even if only for proclaiming the truth. Since when has telling the truth justified termination?? How much more […]

In the People's Interest

Montana’s proud legacy of defending wild rivers

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By JESSY STEVENSON Guest Columnist Imagine the rich agricultural lands of the Paradise Valley under hundreds of feet of water. Or the world-class trout fishing of the Big Hole River replaced with bass fishing. Imagine waterskiing on the west side of Glacier National Park instead of rafting down the North Fork of the Flathead River. […]

In the People's Interest

Land-grabbing mentality inseparable from bison bills

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Regarding the article in the April 22 Chronicle about Gianforte ordering the FWP to dismiss the bison management plan, Gianforte acts on behalf of the United Property Owners of Montana only. What is missing is acknowledging the 1877 Dawes Act, also known as the General Allotment Act. Here, Congress allowed for the break-up of reservation […]

In the People's Interest

NorthWestern Energy’s profit-seeking scheme

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On May 14, 2021, NorthWestern Energy will ask the Montana Public Service Commission to approve construction of a 175 megawatt gas fired power plant to cost $250 million. NWE intends to build three more such plants. The predicate for construction is NWE’s ongoing three year propaganda campaign to create public acceptance of an imminent Montana […]

In the People's Interest

Indigenous bison, people both belong in Montana

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When Gov. Greg Gianforte signed a backdoor anti-bison settlement deal that forbade any bison being on Montana public lands, he exemplified longstanding manifest destiny policy stemming from the 19th century. After the U.S. Army was defeated by Lakota, Arapaho and Cheyenne allies in Red Cloud’s war and the Fort Laramie Treaty was signed in April […]