In the People's Interest

Daines and Rosendale can’t have it both ways

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Daines, others lied about election for personal gain Sen. Daines: In a recent fundraising text message you stated the election was stolen. A few weeks ago you said the election wasn’t settled. On Jan. 6 you were going to challenge the electoral results in Congress until the siege on the capitol apparently alarmed you into […]

In the People's Interest

Continue speaking out, demand accountability

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Continue speaking out, demand accountability I agree with Sen. Tester that until those who enabled the insurrection at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, including Sen. Daines and Congressman Rosendale, take responsibility for their words and actions we will not be able to heal the division in our country. This deep division puts us at […]

In the People's Interest

President, lawmakers deserve blame for siege

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President, lawmakers deserve blame for siege A fundamental truth about human behavior is that words have consequences, especially when uttered by elected leaders and amplified by media outlets. The world saw this in real time as pro-Trump extremists overran the U.S. Capitol after attending the president’s vile and lie-filled speech. But, beyond the president’s inexcusable […]

In the People's Interest

We need statesmen in Congress, not cowards

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Demand accountability from your representatives I wish I could say I’m surprised by what happened at the U.S. Capitol. I’m not. This has been building since the Tea Party crawled out from under their rocks, outraged that a Black man had the audacity to win the presidency. It has never been about “economic anxiety” or […]

In the People's Interest

Country’s moral compass is spinning out of control

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Opponents of electoral process morally bankrupt Just because you have a right does not mean its right to exercise that right. Right? Sens. Hawley and Cruz knew that their political objections to electoral certification was doomed. No Democratic congress would remove a duly elected Democratic president. But with an unfathomably deep cynicism they went forward […]

In the People's Interest

Rosendale betrayed oath, needs to resign now

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Rep. Rosendale, I am calling upon you to resign as the Montana Representative to The United States House of Representatives. On Jan. 3, 2021 you took the oath of office as a United States Representative to the United States Congress swearing to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. Three days later, once […]

In the People's Interest

Daines should be held accountable for his rhetoric

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By BILL LOMBARDI Guest columnist Politicians, by nature, are oddsmakers, calculators, bettors, bookies. They bet on winning and losing all the time. Sen. Steve Daines bet on President Trump. But following the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, Daines changed his wager. That day a pro-Trump mob attacked the Capitol, erected a gallows, killed a […]