In the People's Interest

Williams will make state proud again in Congress

The reason Kathleen Williams is such a good choice to represent us in Congress is her proven commitment of working for all Montanans, not just those who might have voted for her. As a three-term legislator with 25 years working to solve tough problems for Montanans of all stripes, Williams is true to Montana. She’s hard-working, independent and honest, something our Congress is short of right now.
Kathleen Williams has and will stand up to special interests. She has no shady history like her opponent Matt Rosendale in his favoring insurance companies over the interests of Montanans. She
favors real healthcare insurance, not the cheap policies Rosendale touts that don’t protect against pre-existing conditions.
Williams’s also a true believer in and defender of our public lands, another area where Rosendale’s record is in question, with his advocacy for transfer of Federal public lands. He previously voted to bar Montana from acquiring even small amounts of land to improve access to public lands.
In legislative work, Williams was effective at cutting taxes, expanding health care access and helping create new businesses. She’s what Montana has been needing; she will again make Montanans
proud of our representative in Congress.
Bob Hawks

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letter to the Editor 10/8/20

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