In the People's Interest

Williams will have the backs of Montana families

Kathleen Williams is in touch with the challenges Montana’s families face every day. She demonstrated this during a recent Facebook live discussion on the challenges parents face finding child care during the COVID-19 pandemic, part of Kathleen’s effort to assure access to quality, affordable childcare for Montana’s working parents.
We need a representative in Congress who understands the challenges facing Montana families every day, and who knows the difference between legislation that will help these families vs  legislation that favors the wealthy and special interests.
Be it health care, education, or public lands, Williams knows what will help Montanans and what won’t. She proved that during her time in the Montana Legislature. She’ll prove it again in Congress.
She’s supported by hundreds of thousands of Montanans who know Williams has their backs, which is why we need to work to insure her election in November. She has our backs, we need to have hers!
Denis Prager
Clyde Park

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letter to the Editor 9/20/20

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