In the People's Interest

Williams has much-needed qualities to serve Montana

Enough with the blowhards and broken promises; Kathleen Williams is the person Montana has long needed in Washington. She’s a three-term legislator with a nearly four-decade career solving tough issues and getting results. She is true to Montana—hardworking, independent, and honest.
In Congress, she’ll stand up to special interests and partisan gridlock and work as hard for Montanans as they do for themselves every day.
Montana doesn’t need another special-interest swamp critter like Matt Rosendale, who as state auditor rubberstamped insurance industry rate hikes and promoted cheap health care policies that don’t deliver meaningful benefits and don’t protect for pre-existing conditions. Rosendale also has a record of failing to support veterans, skirting campaign finance laws and remaining silent when his cronies advocate selling off our public lands.
There are no such problems with Kathleen Williams. While in the Montana Legislature she fought every day to promote affordable health care, protect our public lands and to get dark money out of our politics. She also has Montana-style common sense and integrity, much-needed qualities in these troubled times when D.C. has to grapple with the COVID pandemic and polarized politics.
Come November let’s elect Kathleen Williams as Montana’s representative in Washington!
Bob Roughton

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letter to the Editor 8/20/20

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