In the People's Interest

What interests were served by fraudulent accusations?

Thank you for calling out Daines and Rosendale
Thank you for your editorial calling Sen. Daines and Rep. Rosendale complicit in the coup attempt. They do need to resign.
They have lied to us Montanans, encouraged the overthrow of our democracy. They do not represent us and perhaps need to be prosecuted for the crime of sedition.
Stacey Haugland
What interests were served by fraudulent accusations?
I have to question the motives of those legislators bent on the invalidation of electors from several states in the confirmation process of the President-elect. Although the ballots in those states in question had been certified, after several counts by the states, as constitutionally-responsible, a good many senators and Congress-folk chose to follow the president’s claim of election deceit and fraud. Complicity between those legislators and President Trump in responsibility for the Capitol insurgency is beyond doubt.
I cannot question the sincerity of those misguided insurrectionists. After all, defense of country is a simple application of Second Amendment rights to patriotism. Misinformation flowing from a
delusional President to his believing base, reinforced and enabled by political figures who should have known better, is generally referred to as lies. Certainly those enablers now need to shoulder a good portion of responsibility for the riot’s destruction.
This does not absolve those who physically perpetrated the assault in our nation’s capital. There needs to be some real punishment for the actual perpetrators and with more than the expected lip service by those who encouraged or fed the flames of insurrection. Sorry won’t do! As every politician worth the name knows, words matter. The tone of delivery and inflection are, as spice in food, lending greater meaning and power, in flavor.
I noticed that Montana’s Sen. Daines condemned the “demonstration” once the news showed the mob destruction. Montana Rep. Rosendale’s doubling-down after the destruction became apparent needs no further comment. Statements by both of our Republican delegates as to restoring the integrity and, therefore confidence, in the electoral process, brings to mind the “last refuge of scoundrels,” rather than true patriots.
Which interests of your Montana constituents have been served by fraudulent political accusations acted upon by foolish, true believers, resulting in destruction to our Capitol?
Tim Crawford
Time for cooperation and solidarity among leaders
Immediately after our Civil War in places where neighbors and families fought against each other, there was need to regain trust through reconciliation. Farmers needed to cooperate to harvest crops. Our governing leaders could face open revolt on Jan. 20 with heavily-armed people parading across the country cheered by crowds.
Urge President-elect Biden to focus on the following in his Inaugural Address, and urge our Montana Congressional Delegation to be in solidarity:
Restore faith in voting through a bipartisan election commission to find and analyze all voting irregularities and issue a formal report within 30 days. By Jan. 20, 2022, recommend to the states, standards for in-person-voting, mail-in-voting, and electronic/mechanical scanning and counting machines.
Restore faith in accuracy of information in print and electronic media. Protect free speech while protecting us from disinformation. Reaffirm trust in evidence-based journalism through rigorous standards of verification. Sen. Daines: “There’s been dangerous rhetoric from all sides, and I condemn all of it, whether it came from President Trump, or it comes from another group.”
Reconcile our differences with Lincoln’s words: “With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.”
Acknowledge the grievance of income inequality ballooning during the pandemic with the top third of jobs having almost fully recovered, while the lowest third remain below pre-pandemic levels. Implore cooperation to defeat this pandemic, address this inequality and ensure the surge of new jobs recreates a middle-class economy.
John A. Noreika Sr.
Daines proves he doesn’t deserve to represent us
It strains credulity that Steve Daines continues to stand behind Trump after the insurrection at the Capitol, but it really shouldn’t. Daines has proudly joined in with the misinformation and magical thinking that has led us to this moment. He’s helped push the notion that a guy who lost the 2016 popular vote by almost 3 million votes, who’s never cracked a 50% approval rating, and who horribly botched his job of keeping Americans safe from a pandemic, was a shoo-in to win again. Where’s the logic in that?
If Steve really believes that, he should be removed from office before he hurts himself or others, because that just isn’t smart.
If he doesn’t believe that, then his actions have all been just cynical, opportunistic maneuvering to stay in power.
Daines has been okay with whatever Trump says or does, no matter how disgusting, immoral, or illegal.
Daines doesn’t have a problem with the call Trump made to the Georgia Secretary of State trying to get him to illegally tamper with their election results. Does Steve even believe that we should still have free elections? The recent evidence says he does not.
And now it seems Daines’ top priority is to restore Trump’s Twitter account. Apparently, Steve doesn’t understand the difference between government censorship and the prerogative of a private company. How about a slice of gay wedding cake, Steve?
Steve Daines has proven to us that he does not deserve to represent us. Daines is a stain, a stain on the State of Montana and all of its people. Daines needs to go.
Gil Stober

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letters to the Editor 1/20/21

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