In the People's Interest

Watch out for Trump

GOP politicians upholding oath to partisan beliefs
Republican “Hypocritic” Oath: I swear to uphold partisan beliefs, treasonous actions, official malfeasance, criminal and seditious, against the institutions of democracy and the founding principles and national honor of the United States of America, so help me Donald J. Trump. Signees: U.S. Senate Republicans and U.S. House Republicans.
Lynne Elder
Trump, Russia brewing a recipe for American coup
Last night I tuned into Vlad and Donald’s show, The Apparatchik. This episode was called “Coup de Grace,” where they were talking about one of Vlad’s favorite dishes. In case you missed it, they shared the recipe Ingredients: One large democratic republic, a diverse population of citizens, a constant stream of propaganda, a heaping portion of doubt, a large number of guns, salt to taste.
In a large melting pot, bring democracy to a boil. Add population. Direct propaganda and sow doubt into population. This will help separate the population along naturally occurring and easily manipulated divisions of race, geography and political affiliation. Stir continuously. Doubt and propaganda will bring out the flavors of confusion and fear. Add salt as divisions start to appear. Salt will accentuate the anger, helping break down social bonds, including those of family.
While continuing to stir in propaganda and doubt, watch as loyalists identify themselves through symbols, actions and language. Add more propaganda. Now the guns. Loyalists will use the propaganda to dehumanize others and the guns to keep others from rising. And voila — a coup. Serves a party willing to maintain power at any cost.
Bill Stoddart
Be on guard against Trump’s proclamations
Trump said many months ago of COVID-19, “it’ll go away.” Now he says it “affects virtually nobody.” What? With 7,028,887 cases and 205,130 deaths as of September 24. And yesterday he proclaimed that the election process is a hoax and he will not abide by the results if he loses. From the get-go his pronouncements have been explicitly racist.
Be on your guard; it is easy to be taken in and be swayed by all he says.
Barbara Kligerman

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letters to the Editor 10/14/20

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