In the People's Interest

Voters must not fall a second time for Trump con

Two-hundred and forty-four years of fair elections, 244 years of a peaceful transfer of power. Now we have a man, and a party who is doing everything in their power to end that?
Look at the man who is responsible for this: a wall paid for by Mexicans…I think not; opening up his tax records to the public…could he have fought it any harder? I think not? Cleaning out the
swamp…well, his replacements are mostly in jail. So, you voted for him because of his business acumen. Six bankruptcies seem to say otherwise. You think he is going to get you jobs. Not likely. You think he is religious. Maybe, the religion of Trump!
Two-hundred thousand deaths from a man who cannot wear a mask. I think you bet on the wrong horse. Now we’re supposed to let them rush a Supreme Court nominee through? The hypocrisy
of it all! We know how Gianforte and Daines will vote?
So face it folks. This is not 1984. Down is not up. Fantasy is not truth. The man you have given power to is not to be believed or trusted, and certainly not to be given another term. The greatest conman of the 21st century has fooled you once. Don’t let it happen again.
Jim Amidon

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letter to the Editor 10/20/20

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