In the People's Interest

Trump’s Lack of Character putting Country at Risk

Character. For the sake of a letter to the editor may we start with the definition: “The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.” Traits that build out character are fairness, citizenship, caring, responsibility, trustworthiness and respect. By example, Abraham Lincoln embodied honesty, empathy and humility. It’s basically what we teach our children in school.
Crisis tests character. Character doesn’t develop during emergencies. The fabric of one’s life, defined by decades of making choices, comes into play. When faced with crisis we rely on our character to lead us.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic fallout is now a defining test for our nation. In WWII we knew who the enemy was and with multi-national unified military might we stopped fascism. We now face a far different enemy, one that isn’t a nation, belief or ideology. Borders don’t bind this enemy. Given the
battle we are facing, humanity must work together.
When faced with adversity we need leaders that understand the severity of the problem, project a realistic and optimistic tone and marshal the resources needed to over come challenge. Our leaders must instill trust.
The aforementioned character attributes would be most beneficial in these uncertain times. Sadly these traits don’t apply to President Trump. In contrast, our president is a dishonest, vindictive, selfish and narcissistic bully. His inability to accept criticism, managing our government by retribution, coupled with a short-term view have compromised the United States’ global leadership in these times of crisis. We deserve better leadership.
Character is a simple prism to evaluate a political candidate. They should hold up as a role model for your children and grandchildren. If character is a value dear to Montanans, I ask Sen. Daines and Congressman Gianforte, is President Trump a qualified and capable leader?
Conrad Anker

Bozeman Chronicle Letter to the Editor 4/12/20

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