In the People's Interest

Stop bill that would destroy state’s solar industry


My wife and I are 82 years old and are in the process of placing a solar array on our home. We will never see the return on our investment, but know that the need to reduce the use of fossil fuels is
overwhelming and this is the right thing to do.
According to new research from Harvard University and three British universities, published the in the journal Environmental Research, exposure to particulate matter from the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil made up 18% of global deaths in 2018 — totaling 8.7 million. And that is just one of the problems fossil fuels cause.
House Bill 359 will effectively destroy Montana’s solar industry and cost the state hundreds of well-paying jobs provided by local businesses across the state. The issue at hand is net metering, which is a billing mechanism that allows Montanans who invested in rooftop solar and small wind systems to get credits on their energy bills for any excess electricity that they send back out to the grid.
NorthWestern Energy’s anti-solar proposal rejected by unanimous vote in 2019 after extensive investigation. Please work to get rid of this retrogressive bill.
Brian Koukol

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letter to the Editor 3/6/21

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