In the People's Interest

Stafman for HD 62 and Buckley for HD 63

Stafman’s compassion is needed, best pick in HD62
I write to urge you to support Ed Stafman to serve south central Bozeman (HD62) in the Montana Legislature. I have worked with Ed for a decade through the Gallatin Valley Interfaith Association and on a variety of projects which better our community, especially the historically disenfranchised. Ed does a great job in listening, and in providing leadership allowing us to come together and work on issues we all care about like public education, affordable health care, preserving the environment and my own life’s work: combatting poverty.
He has been a strong supporter of creative ways to house the homeless, feeding those in need, and making Bozeman a more compassionate community. We need people who can work with others
and bring us together for the common good. Ed has a demonstrated history of doing that, and doing it well.
Roxanne Klingensmith
Stafman, Buckley will serve well in state House
As a medical and fitness professional, I work with folks from a great variety of backgrounds. Clients hire me for incredibly diverse reasons, yet many are actually incredibly similar. Many individuals hire professionals in my industry to better their physical and mental health, to be challenged, to be held accountable and to achieve big, scary goals.
As unique as each of my clients are, many have similar traits that they unknowingly share with the others I serve. Folks that hire a personal coach are driven. They are willing to be put in uncomfortable situations and demonstrate grit when taking on challenges. My clients are consistent, they are leaders, and they are colleagues and friends. They have humor. They have grace.
Two of my clients are running for the Montana House of Representatives, and they epitomize the above listed traits. Please join me in supporting Ed Stafman for HD62 and Alice Buckley for HD63. They are two of Bozeman’s finest humans. If their commitment to hard work in the gym is any indication, they will serve their neighbors extremely well in the Montana Legislature.
Dr. Milica McDowell

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letters to the Editor 10/8/20

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