In the People's Interest

November election was fair and free of fraud

The Montana League of Women Voters calls on Congressman Rosendale to acknowledge the November election was not fraudulent and that Joe Biden is our legitimate President. While Sen. Daines has belatedly done so, he continues to suggest, without evidence, that there are election fraud concerns that need to be investigated.
The actions of Sen. Daines and Congressman Rosendale undermine confidence in the electoral process and in our democracy. The results of the robust election processes used in this country are a provable fact. Audits and re-counts in numerous states confirmed the results in those states.
The U.S. Department of Justice found no significant fraud that would change the results of the election. The courts have rejected numerous lawsuits challenging the election. Continuing to support false claims of election fraud is beneath the dignity of the offices of Senator and Congressman.
It is time for Sen. Daines and Congressman Rosendale to abide by their oaths to support and defend our Constitution. It is time for Congressman Rosendale to clearly and publicly state that the election was demonstrably fair and Joe Biden is our duly elected President. Sen. Daines needs to quit calling for an investigation of unfounded voter fraud claims.
Nancy Leifer, president, League of Women Voters of Montana
Rosanne Nash, co-president, League of Women Voters of the Bozeman Area

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letter to the Editor 2/4/21

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