In the People's Interest

How about we try ignoring Trump for the time being?

Here’s a thought: How about we try ignoring the current president until he leaves the White House? What would happen if he had no more fuel to add to his fires? If no one read his fallacious
tweets? If the world carried on as if he were of no consequence?
He has, of course, been very consequential. He has let hundreds of thousands of American citizens die in a pandemic that could have been handled with a smart and effective public health plan to slow its progress. He has passed laws that have allowed our environment to be irrevocably damaged; has facilitated the collapse of the United States’ standing in our global community; has
displayed a level of dishonesty that is astonishing; and has left the GOP in tatters — a fact they are clearly reticent to admit. And now, hunkered down in the White House between rounds of golf, he is pretending that he won an election which was a clear and decisive win for his challenger, a futile effort that is destroying citizens’ confidence in our very democracy, the effects of which will surely be lasting and resounding.
Do we really need to give this narcissist more air time?
Let us set our focus forward, look ahead to Jan. 20, 2021, and the leadership of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Let us focus on the fact that the American people elected two great civil servants and experienced politicians to lead us out of the mess Trump and his Republican minions have made. Let us make note of the fact that President elect Biden’s election turned five former GOP strongholds into Democrat states, and that he and Harris received over six million more votes than the incumbent. That is a statement one cannot deny.
Jan. 20 cannot arrive soon enough!
Betsy Danforth

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letter to the Editor 11/29/20

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