In the People's Interest

Fox’s decision to join lawsuit a betrayal of trust

Dear Attorney General Fox,
I write this in response to your decision to join the Texas suit to throw out the certified election results in Pennsylvania and other states. I realize many people are unhappy with the results of the presidential election, however, that is how democracy works. Sometimes your candidate loses, even if you think that it is an appallingly bad result. You don’t get to say that democracy is only valid when the results are to your liking.
You don’t get to try to overthrow the results of an election because your candidate loses. Attempts to do so are an affront to the essential core concepts behind our democracy. Sir, I do not care how you might care to to deal with the election as a private citizen, however, that you are involving me and my tax dollars in this unpatriotic behavior in your capacity as attorney general is offensive and a betrayal of the trust placed in you by the citizens of Montana.
Craig Gullixson

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letter to the Editor 12/22/20

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