In the People's Interest

Daines, Gianforte qualifications

Making money isn’t a qualification to be governor
Some say Gianforte’s success in business qualifies him to be governor. It doesn’t. The governor’s job is much more difficult. Making money is straightforward. It doesn’t require balancing profits with societal needs, it just means following the rules and maximizing profits. Gianforte’s fortune was made in a business that made it easier for businesses to outsource jobs to other countries, with devastating impacts on workers here at home. Does that qualify him to be governor?
A governor has to balance the need for a strong economy and free markets with the need to ensure that everyone has a chance to benefit from the economy, that the disabled are cared for and those with less skill have a chance to make a living wage, to deal with those who are unemployed through no fault of their own. A governor has to ensure environmental impacts are minimized with the need for businesses to make a profit. A governor needs to protect our public lands not just seek personal gain.
Gianforte has had no experience with these challenges and Mike Cooney has a career in dealing with them. I’ll take the candidate who has experience with governing over the one who does not.
William Webb

Daines, Gianforte complicit in Trump’s shenanigans
Because of coronavirus, many voters favor mail in ballots, rather than going to polling places. The president, rather than making the virus a rallying point to unite us so we could get the workers
safe, economy thriving, students back to school in a safe environment, has chosen to politicize it as “Democratic hoax, “it will disappear,” and the head scratcher, “We have more cases because we have more testing.”
He discredited noted scientist Fauci. Thousands have needlessly died. Now November looms. He knows more people will vote with mail in ballots, and he may lose, so he yells “Fraud!” His motives are arrogantly transparent. Florida can have mail-in ballots, but he is suing Nevada who wants to do the same. Now he wants to slow up the post office so ballots can’t be counted after Election Day. Intelligence is reporting the Russians and the Chinese are involved with our elections.
Republicans lawmakers, Daines and Gianforte, are complicit. Where are the old verities of the Constitution, which they took an oath to uphold? Vote them out, or vote out Democracy.
Jo Anne Troxel

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letters to the Editor 8/21/20

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