In the People's Interest

Cooney will work for women, deserves vote

If you’re a Montana woman, or have women in your life, you should think twice before voting for Gianforte. His record shows his disregard for the rights, concerns and needs of women.
Consider that since 2008 his foundation has donated $227,000 to Family Life, a fundamentalist group that teaches that women should be subservient to their husbands and put raising children ahead of their careers. That’s fine assuming your husband isn’t abusive or hasn’t left you or you’re not in a family that can’t put food on the table unless both parents work.
This might explain why Gianforte believes women have no rights regarding their own health or when or whether to have children. It might explain why he’s voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act
which requires that insurance covers preexisting conditions such as pregnancy. Harder to explain is why he deplores Medicaid, which enables 90,000 Montanans to have basic healthcare.
Lt. Gov. Mike Cooney has a long history of standing up for the interests of women, protecting their rights, making it easier to care for their children and providing meaningful health care. Cooney’s
not a billionaire, but he does understand and will fight for the interest of Montana women.
Karen Rickert

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letter to the Editor 10/29/20

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