In the People's Interest

Oil and gas industry has exploited leasing system

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By AUBREY BERTRAM and JESSE PRENTICE-DUNN Guest Columnists For decades, oil and gas companies have taken advantage of a broken federal leasing system in an effort to stockpile our nation’s precious public lands. The industry’s exploitation of this system has prompted Montanans and other stakeholders across the West to call for reforms to the leasing […]

In the People's Interest

Guns in classrooms not what a university is about

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Guns in classrooms not what a university is about Gov. Greg Gianforte signed a major ‘constitutional carry’ bill that will let Montanans carry concealed firearms in public settings including banks and bars without a permit. In addition the bill limits university system officials’ ability to restrict firearm possession on college campuses. Ironically, after Gianforte assaulted […]

In the People's Interest

Democrats to Gov. Gianforte: Veto Unconstitutional Legislation that Takes Away Montanans’ Rights and Freedoms 

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, May 4, 2021 CONTACT:  Erin Loranger, Communications Director, Senate Democrats, Nathan Stein, Communications Director, House Democrats, Democrats to Gov. Gianforte: Veto Unconstitutional Legislation that Takes Away Montanans’ Rights and Freedoms  HELENA – Senate Minority Leader Jill Cohenour and House Minority Leader Kim Abbott today sent a letter to Governor […]

In the People's Interest

GOP losing demographic numbers game

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The Republican Party is desperate. They know the demographic numbers are against them. The only collusion they have to keep power is to suppress the vote as much as possible, especially in Democratic precincts. One in 10 eligible voters in 2020 were Generation Z, born after 1996. That equals roughly 24 million who were able […]