In the People's Interest

Don’t be hoodwinked by Daines’ catchy slogan, ads

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Sen. Daines’s slogan “More Jobs, Less Government” and ads touting the evils of “socialism” are misleading. I’m no socialist; I’m a realist. In reality, we currently have “corporate socialism” in America – a situation where private companies rely on government as a revenue source to make a profit, e.g. farm subsidies; oil depletion allowances; below-market […]

In the People's Interest

Elect Biden, Bullock; Complicit Dains, Gianforte

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Return sanity to pubic office, elect Biden, Bullock The perversity of Republican legislators and executives is now abundantly clear: favorable rules for themselves; unfavorable for Democrats. No even playing field and democracy be damned. Republican senators, from McConnell to Daines, have said no Supreme Court appointments in an election year – until they want to […]

In the People's Interest

If you value the outdoors, don’t be greenwashed

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Montanans who are lovers of the outdoors and wildlife would do well to note the greenwashing by our president and the politicians who support him. President Trump has called himself the greatest environmentalist since Teddy Roosevelt. This is the president who has, for example, drastically shrunk the size of national monuments and nominated a BLM chief […]

In the People's Interest

When voting, consider what our rivers mean to you

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As fall approaches and we see Hoot-owl restrictions lifted on our favorite fishing sites, I’d like to share an important statement on fish and climate that may have been overlooked in this busy political time. The American Fisheries Society (AFS) is the world’s oldest and largest fisheries science society and includes fisheries scientists who study […]