In the People's Interest

Bullock, not Daines, will protect our health care

According to the independent, Sen. Daines has voted 14 times against health care reform. Those bills: S63, S1628 (four times), S3, S3762, S22, HR3522, HR575, HR4118, HR3350, HR2668, HR45.
In contrast, deems Sen. Tester’s votes on health care favorably in all but one of the health care reform bills they reviewed.
Who we vote for as our leaders, who we put into office, matters.
While Mr. Daines was voting against the health care interest of Montanans, Gov. Bullock was a) signing Montana Medicaid Expansion into law, extending health coverage to over 45,000 Montanans; and b) more recently signing the Medicaid Expansion Renewal Bill, helping almost 100,000 low-income Montanans better deal with their family’s difficult medical issues.
Who we vote for as our leaders, who we put into office, matters.
When your time to vote arrives, please focus on actual issues rather than on maintaining some perceived clan identity. Remember, only you know how you voted. The question we face seems pretty straightforward: Whose actions demonstrate he is more worried about Montanans and deserves to be our next senator? Gov. (and future Montana senator) Steve Bullock.
Who we vote for as our leaders, who we put into office, matters. Steve has your family’s back.
Scott Bischke

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letter to the Editor 9/9/20

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