The Gallatin County Democrats are proud to create space for conversation and community building for all at the following events, all in one night.
Schedule of Events
Doors open to the public at 6:00 PM. Attendees are encouraged to donate $50, if they can, to support the Gallatin County Democrats in their efforts for the 2020 election. Any amount is welcome, however, from $5 to $1000 (or more!). All are welcome, and no one will be turned away for not donating.
Save yourself time at the event and reserve your seat now!
Each debate will be moderated by former Montana Supreme Court Justice Mike Wheat.
- 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM – U.S. Senate Debate
- 8:00 PM – 8:30 PM – Break for conversations and community
- 8:30 PM – 10:00 PM – MT Governor Debate
- 10:00 PM – 12 AM – After-party where you can get to know your neighbors and candidates better. Cash bar available.
We’ll also be hosting a candidate social prior to the debates, starting at 5:00 PM. Tickets will be available for $150 and will include food and reserved debate seating.
Why Donate?
Donating or becoming a sponsor for this event will help the Gallatin County Democrats in supporting the following activities:
- Maximizing contributions to Gallatin County and state legislative Democratic candidates who win the primary
- Expanding our community through events, social media campaigns, and educational outreach
- Providing more resources to local, county, and legislative candidates through training opportunities and volunteer connections
- Building power locally and in the MT legislature to buffer against federal actions
- Continuing the successes of 2018 and 2019 in turning Gallatin County blue
Democratic Candidates Confirmed for Debates
Local and state candidates and current representatives will also attend, including Senator JP Pomnichowski (SD 33), Representative Denise Hayman (HD 66), Representative Jim Hamilton (HD 61), and Senator Pat Flowers (SD 32). As candidates confirm, we will update this list.
Can’t attend?
The debates will be live-streamed online on Facebook and YouTube. The video will be available for later viewing on our YouTube channel.
Contact us at gallatindemocraticparty@gmail.com