In the People's Interest

Williams will work to get veterans help they deserve

Montana needs an “at-large” representative who will go to Washington to restore civility and integrity. And that’s why I’m casting my vote for Kathleen Williams and encourage Montanans to vote for a candidate who will bring her experience and independence to Washington to work with people of all political stripes to do what’s right for Montana.
During the past year, as a Vietnam veteran and advocate for veterans and their families in Southwest Montana, I have met with Kathleen Williams several times to discuss VA Health Care Services, programs that help returning veterans get jobs and start businesses, and veteran suicide prevention strategies.
Fighting for our veterans, service members, and their families is personal for Kathleen. Her father served in WWII and her late husband Tom was a Vietnam era veteran. Kathleen was born in an
Army hospital and their family goods and groceries came from the commissary and PX. Her military family background forges Kathleen’s commitment to our service members.
In Montana, we honor service and I know that Kathleen Williams will proudly  be a voice for our Montana veterans to ensure they receive the services they need and the opportunities they deserve.
Rick Gale

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letter to the Editor 10/29/20

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