In the People's Interest

Williams the reasonable voice we need in Congress

The isolation imposed by COVID-19 has me thinking about some very basic truths: the need to celebrate reasonable, knowledgeable people who can represent all of us competently and professionally in Washington D.C. — and, no matter how exhausted we are, and regardless of our political stripes, the need to support local and national actions that build a better future for our growing region.
I’ve been honored to know Kathleen Williams for 25 years, and to observe how she works in the world. I can tell you that she understands better than most how to reach across the aisle to create
consensus and decisions that serve us all well. Her experience as a Montana legislator and working in government and nonprofit sectors give her valued perspective and the chops to represent
people living on the land and growing businesses. Her forward-thinking health, education, and natural resource heritage initiatives will greatly benefit Montana’s rural towns and expanding cities.
Kathleen Williams is smart, tough, articulate and kind, and ready to build a big place for Montana in the nation’s future. She has my vote in November and I hope she has yours.
Susan Higgins

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letter to the Editor 10/3/20

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