In the People's Interest

Williams the independent state needs in Congress

It’s a sad reality that “money talks” in today’s politics. The Super PAC Club for Growth has earmarked $2.25 million to defeat Kathleen Williams. In return, Kathleen’s opponent Matt Rosendale touts their playbook, which includes privatizing social security, taking away health care and supporting the wealthiest over the middle class.
I’m not falling for “money talking” in politics. I support Kathleen Williams who said, “We’ve got to elect people that are going to be a strong, true independent voice for Montana, not parrot party talking points.”
Kathleen will protect Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
She has a detailed, achievable plan to fix our broken health care system and get all citizens affordable quality care. She’s committed to work for an economy that benefits all Montanans, not just the wealthy. She will bring better jobs to our state and help farmers and ranchers stay on their land.
Kathleen is no puppet of national Democrats in Congress; she’s an independent thinker who takes a consensus building, intelligent approach to solving problems.
Remember the old way that our political system used to work? That’s what Kathleen is about; finding solutions, not whipping up fear or name calling to try to win an election.
Mary Ellen Wolfe

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letter to the Editor 9/25/20

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