In the People's Interest

Steady stream of bad ideas coming from Helena

Have I got this right — there is proposed legislation which will force the rate payers (customers) of Northwestern Energy (NWE) to guarantee unlimited future liability of the company should NWE go through with the purchase of the Colstrip Plant. This is like buying a Chevy and finding out you are responsible for future debts of General Motors.
Where is the PSC when you need them? No risk manager would allow a client to be subject to this liability.
Note your state representatives well, anyone voting for this monstrosity should be voted out of office and put on NWE payroll. Bad Deal. Another bad deal coming from Helena; putting pistols on the state flag. Rather and in showing our commitment to greening our state we should have a pile of buffalo chips. This would display our environmental concerns, commitment to recycling, and good stewardship of the land. Maybe NWE could use the clean burning chips at Colstrip rather than coal. A win-win for everyone.
Helena’s bad ideas continue with passing legislation to allowed concealed carry of weapons. Into banks — why? On campus — why? I have heard and agree with all the reasons this is a bad idea but can anyone who voted for this bill give me a good reason why? I await with baited breath.
Mike Zell

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letter to the Editor 4/17/21

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