In the People's Interest

Removing Mask Mandate

Gianforte ignored science in lifting mask mandate
As expected, this morning’s Chronicle (Feb. 11) reported that our billionaire creationist governor would be lifting the mask mandate. This comes as COVID-19 variants are spreading across the country, the CDC just recommended wearing two masks and those of us in Phase 1B are struggling to get an appointment for a vaccination.
It’s obvious that he’s ignoring science, again as expected, and instead is bending to the will of those supporters who feel that their personal liberties are taken away by being required to wear
a mask. What comes next, the requirement to wear a seatbelt?
Suzanne McDonald
Removing mask mandate isn’t common sense
So, explain to me, Gov. Gianforte, why, when the CDC recommends wearing two masks, you’re going to announce Montanans need not wear even one? What about the common sense you so often brag about? I guess you’ve tossed that out the window as COVID and its variants waft in.
Here’s some common sense to think about. Those who celebrate your decision and remove their masks are probably those who voted for you. In less than four years, then, when you’re up for re-election, many of your fans will have died.
Glen Chamberlain

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letters to the Editor 2/19/21

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