In the People's Interest

Brittany Trushel: Expanded Medicaid is good economics

We hope the 69th Legislature will tackle some of the issues affecting us–residential property taxes, affordable housing, or the high cost of living to name a few–but expanded Medicaid is a measurable economic stimulus that’s worth keeping.  

Medicaid covers extremely low-income children, parents, pregnant women, seniors, and disabled adults. States administer the program, and in both 2015 and 2019, our Legislature expanded Medicaid to cover childless individuals and low-wage workers. In October 2024, Medicaid covered 218,212 Montanans; currently, expanded Medicaid expires in June. 

Expanded Medicaid is almost entirely subsidized by federal money. And with expanded Medicare comes other economic benefits, like less state spending on healthcare, lower costs for rural health facilities, and even fewer evictions and bankruptcies.

In Montana, healthcare costs are rising from our handling of Medicaid’s post-pandemic redetermination in 2023. Freshman Gallatin Senator Cora Neumann (District 30) reported on the public health crisis, which resulted in the nation’s highest proportion of adult and child disenrollment. Disenrollment means less federal dollars coming into Montana and we’re bracing to increase Medicaid spending as a result. 

Without expanded Medicaid, about 100,000 more Montanans will lose healthcare. How will we make up the loss in federal healthcare funding?

Tight purse strings

With a series of tax changes, we decreased state revenue by >14%; we also passed federal pandemic relief along to White, wealthy property owners. These policies put additional tax strain on Native communities, wage earners, and families. And the property tax crisis amplified economic strain on residential property owners. The economic price to fund Montana healthcare sans federal money must fall somewhere.

The opportunity

Expanding Medicaid funds rural healthcare, cuts state healthcare spending, and enhances economic stability. Expanded Medicaid also keeps our workforce healthy and is a stimulus for families struggling in Montana’s housing markets. 

Local Democrats support Medicaid expansion. If you live in Belgrade, Manhattan, Three Forks, or West Yellowstone, check in with your elected official on the economic benefits of expanded Medicaid.  

Brittany is the Communications Manager for the Gallatin County Democratic Central Committee.

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