In the People's Interest

Daines must do more to ease presidential transition

Sen. Daines: I read in a recent Chronicle that you and your wife, having participated in the Pfizer vaccine trial, enjoy the safety-net of COVID-19 antibodies. I’m happy for you. Now, why not get off your butt and tell your president to co-operate with the Biden transition team so they can understand what plans are already in place, where the gaps are, where help is needed and how best to ensure there is a hand-off that will facilitate a smooth deployment of COVID-19 vaccines to the rest of us.
Don’t be so cowardly. Don’t jeopardize the well-being of Montana health care workers, first responders, teachers, grocery store workers and the million other Montanans you have been elected to protect.
Take the initiative to make a smooth transition happen. Help, don’t hinder, the defeat of this pandemic. Otherwise, when you do stop sitting on your hands, you may find they are blood-stained.
Steve Neff

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letter to the Editor 12/5/20

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