In the People's Interest

Diverting money from public schools a bad idea

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First came the tax cut for the rich, which will reduce state revenue. Next, the legislators want to divert some of this reduced revenue away from public schools to their elite private schools. Ninety-two percent of Montana students go to public school, schools that are constitutionally mandated to provide a free quality education for all […]

In the People's Interest

Many solutions for wolves without decimating them

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Legislating bounties to kill wolves or trap them inhumanly is bad for Montana’s $3.7 billion tourist economy. Visitors spend $10 million dollars daily on average, generating over $265 million in state and local tax revenues. Yet legislators in Helena are considering eight bills that would severely reduce Montana’s wolf population—a reason many tourists visit our […]

In the People's Interest

Steady stream of bad ideas coming from Helena

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Have I got this right — there is proposed legislation which will force the rate payers (customers) of Northwestern Energy (NWE) to guarantee unlimited future liability of the company should NWE go through with the purchase of the Colstrip Plant. This is like buying a Chevy and finding out you are responsible for future debts […]

In the People's Interest

Share opportunities with disadvantaged Americans

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White displacement is slow but real. White folk can either fight it or welcome our non-white successors with trust and optimism. Rather than filling integrated swimming pools with dirt, deliberately breaking up minority families, denying broad swathes of citizens their constitutional rights, throwing up barriers to education, health care and justice and perversely deploying our […]

In the People's Interest

Legislature should protect economy, defeat utility bill

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By GARY BUCHANAN Guest Columnist Senate Bill 379 is a bill that is anti-jobs and anti-economic development. For a legislature supposedly focused on the governor’s rightful concerns for entrepreneurship, it’s a real step backward. Higher electricity bills will harm efforts to attract businesses to Montana. I support helping Colstrip, but not at the expense of […]

In the People's Interest

Dems not ones embracing delusion and ignorance

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Unlike the current administration, the Trump people (still around we hear) are indeed responsible for the four year “totalitarian nightmare” mentioned in a beyond belief recent letter. They are for sure those who recently embraced “the matrix of delusion and blissful ignorance.” Senate Majority Leader Schumer rightly said that President Biden “inherited a mess on […]