In the People's Interest

Handling COVID-19

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Mistake to halt funding and disengage from WHO It would be a grave mistake to halt funding and disengage from the World Health Organization (WHO), flawed though it is. First, we need a global coalition to defeat the pandemic. Second,  withdrawing from leadership roles in any global institution creates tremendous opportunities for rivals like China […]

In the People's Interest

Gianforte, Daines focused only on money, power

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Wake up Montanans! If Gianforte and Daines are elected you stand to lose your health coverage! They oppose Medicare and Medicaid. They oppose the Affordable Care Act and coverage of preexisting conditions. They say they are helping hard working Montanans stay safe and healthy, but that is not how they vote. They both enjoy government […]

In the People's Interest

Rooting out anti-Seminism trope – Gallatin County Republican CC

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By REV. LINDEAN BARNETT CHRISTENSON AND REV. JODY MCDEVITT Guest columnists Last month, anti-Semitic leaflets were dropped on three Montana communities. Butte, Billings and Livingston residents woke up to find unwelcome fliers on cars and outside of homes. Once again, the Gallatin Valley Interfaith Association (GVIA) — consisting of leaders from many Christian denominations, Muslims, […]

In the People's Interest

White, Gianforte are no friends of public wildlife

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Kerry White’s letter to the editor (April 30) extolling Greg Gianforte’s candidacy for governor exhibits his disdain for cooperative management of public-trust natural resources and his propensity to fabricate his own “facts.” His support for elk “shoulder season” hunts neglects Fish, Wildlife & Parks data demonstrating that (1) shoulder seasons often have not achieved their original […]