Brittany Trushel: GOP puts tax crisis to use
Posted onWhat’s shaking out with the GOP-created property tax crisis? Why are some shouldering more responsibility for taxes in Montana, while others get a pass?
Information that is important and relevant to the people of Montana.
What’s shaking out with the GOP-created property tax crisis? Why are some shouldering more responsibility for taxes in Montana, while others get a pass?
Montana’s youth-led climate trial concluded on June 20, 2023. The plaintiffs’ case blended emotional testimony from the young plaintiffs with scientific and technical expertise from expert witnesses. The central principle of the case is that Montana’s use of fossil fuels is violating the plaintiffs’ constitutional right to a “clean and healthful environment.”
The legislative session made national headlines, but not for developing policy to tackle the housing crisis or improve the lives of Montanans. Instead, politicians widened socioeconomic gaps, created discriminatory policy, and dismantled environmental regulation.
HB 971 is a standout example of bad policy passed by GOP lawmakers this session. Removing a key provision of MEPA, HB 971 erodes Montanans rights to a clean and healthful environment.
Originally shared as a part of the Gallatin Democrats March 24 newsletter. Everyone poops. The title of a funny children’s book is a key issue in the current Montana legislative session. When you flush your toilet it can go to one of two places, either an off-site wastewater treatment system or an on-site one. Off-site systems, […]
I attended my first Mansfield Metcalf Dinner last weekend. It confirmed for me a presentiment I have had for a while. Every part of the political cycle–the state legislature session, the declaration of candidates, the campaigns for office themselves–are opportunities to bring more people into the process, to bring awareness and shine light, and to […]
Being a precinct rep in a very red precinct can be lonely work; It’s been almost two years of hitting the red brick wall. Knocking on doors, working with candidates, and wondering if I’ll ever have any consistent volunteers. But last week something changed. I received a text about an upcoming meeting of the town […]
What a wild ride the first four weeks of the legislative session has been. My initial takeaways are that the system is not made so that the working person can easily participate in these proceedings. Things move at lightning pace: if there is a bill you care about, you may only have a couple days notice to try […]
To my co-workers, my friends: I got home from the watch party at Colombo’s Pizza last night not knowing the national results, and I have not checked them this morning. The local count was put on hold at 2:29am, as the election officials needed to stop for some rest (most had worked since the previous […]
Sitting in the audience at the Belgrade Candidate Forum last week, I was struck by a stark difference between the Democratic and Republican candidates. While there was certainly an ideological contrast, I find that sort of disagreement uninteresting and not very insightful into our current political moment. I could easily write a list detailing the […]