In the People's Interest

Pay your taxes with pride like a patriot

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The 1099’s have been coming in and I have been working on taxes. The “former guy’s” avoidance, disdain, and possibly criminal evasion of taxes troubles me greatly. True, in order to have food, shelter, clothing, communications, and other essentials, I need to have money in my bank account. I need it there because occasionally I […]

In the People's Interest

Let wolves help with CWD fight, not just hunters

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Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Fighting chronic wasting disease (CWD) by sending hunters afield to reduce deer concentrations was tried in spades in Wisconsin, where they spent $27 million for sharpshooters to depopulate their whitetails, with no effect on CWD. A decade ago, Wild […]

In the People's Interest

Not the time for sweeping changes to public health

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There are several bills in the Montana legislature that will create extra bureaucracy and tie the hands of our public health officials and local elected officials to implement public health measures. It is true that in Montana, public health authority in many counties lies in the hands of unelected boards of health. However, it is […]

In the People's Interest

Haaland the right pick to lead Interior Department

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For secretary of the Department of the Interior, our country needs a leader who possess integrity, competence, and demonstrated ability to work effectively with diverse constituencies and amid diverse responsibilities. From a military family, and as an enrolled member of the Pueblo Laguna, Congresswoman Debra Haaland has those credentials and more. As a Congresswoman from […]

In the People's Interest

Why change something that doesn’t need fixing?

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Senate Bill Bill 169 is about adding new criteria to the existing Montana mail registration process for voting. The legislators in Helena seem to feel that changes and improvements need to be made. Have the legislators gathered real data to support their assumptions? Have they carefully interviewed experienced election staff in different counties who routinely […]

In the People's Interest

War on wildlife continues at Montana Legislature

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By CLINT NAGEL AND STEPHEN CAPRA Guest columnists Montana is currently undergoing its 67th Legislature. How invested are you as a resident of Montana in the decisions being made in your name? Unfortunately, what is coming out of the statehouse in Helena is a lot of legislation harmful to wildlife. Much of that is being […]