In the People's Interest

A vital time to remember that what we eat matters

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By KATE BURNABY WRIGHT Guest columnist As spring’s fickle weather unfolds, these longer days offer fresh energy after a dark stretch of winter. South-facing walls in warmer pockets of the valley harbor the first tulips of the season, the COVID-19 vaccine is increasingly available, snowpack is near normal, and people are out walking snow-free paths. […]

In the People's Interest

Lawmakers should oppose anti-consumer utility bill

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My LTE against Senate Bill 379 was ready to send this morning (March 26) when I opened the paper to find the Chronicle’s excellent editorial against the “stick-it-to-the-ratepayers” bill. Thank you for taking the words right out of my mouth. There are just a few more things about this “worst-of-the worst” bills left for me […]

In the People's Interest

Overturning nuclear power initiative a bad idea

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There’s a bill working its way through the Legislature that will change the rules for developing nuclear power in Montana. House Bill 273 aims to overturn Initiative 80, Montana’s law about building nuclear power plants in Montana. I-80 requires safety measures and gives Montana Citizens the right to vote yes or no if someone wants […]

In the People's Interest

Federal money outpaces what Montana pays in taxes

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Montana receives more federal dollars than we Montanans pay in federal taxes. The Republican controlled Montana Legislature can’t wait to spend the COVID-19 relief dollars to help supplement their cuts to the Montana budget although they are about to approve a budget of $12.6 billion. Sen. Daines wasn’t worried about the federal debt when he […]

In the People's Interest

Bill would harm election integrity in Montana

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The right to vote and express your opinion politically is important to all Americans and House Bill 406 goes directly against this. However, not all Americans have equal access to submitting an absentee ballot for their voices to be heard. Native Americans living on reservations or people in rural areas do not always have a […]

In the People's Interest

Collaboration, innovation can meet Bozeman’s needs

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By TERRY CUNNINGHAM Guest columnist I am convinced that Bozeman has the ability to tackle our most vexing community challenges, but the key to doing so is collaboration among our various institutions and citizens’ groups. To co-opt a famous quote: “There’s nothing wrong with Bozeman that cannot be cured by what’s right with Bozeman.” I […]

In the People's Interest

What will the Gallatin Valley look like in 2040?

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By APRIL CRAIGHEAD Guest columnist As the old saying goes “the only thing constant is change.” That is especially true in Montana and other western states as tourists and new homeowners find their way into Gallatin County and Bozeman, and other rapidly expanding small and mid-sized towns. In the latest draft plan for growth in […]