In the People's Interest

After 4 years, I am so ready

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready.
I’m ready not to be lied to all day, every day.
I’m ready not to be called an enemy of the state.
I’m ready not to be considered fake news.
I’m ready for someone who takes climate change seriously.
I’m ready for someone who takes the coronavirus pandemic seriously.
I’m ready for someone who wears a mask.
I’m ready for someone who trusts science.
I’m ready for someone who trusts Dr. Anthony Fauci.
I’m ready for someone who isn’t racist.
I’m ready for someone who isn’t sexist.
I’m ready for someone who isn’t a misogynist.
I’m ready for someone who isn’t xenophobic.
I’m ready for someone who doesn’t obstruct justice.
I’m ready for someone who doesn’t pardon criminals.
I’m ready for someone who doesn’t discriminate against trans people.
I’m ready for someone who doesn’t mock people who have disabilities.
I’m ready for someone who wants to protect the environment.
I’m ready for someone who doesn’t joke about dating his daughter.
I’m ready for someone who doesn’t assault women.
I’m ready for a woman.
I’m ready for a Black woman.
I’m ready for an Indian-American woman.
I’m ready for a Black Indian-American Woman.
I’m ready for the daughter of immigrants.
I’m ready for a woman who was single for 50 years.
I’m ready for a woman who has an equal marriage.
I’m ready for someone who believes women have a right to bodily autonomy.
I’m ready for someone who believes everyone has a right to vote.
I’m ready for someone who believes everyone has the right to health care.
I’m ready for someone who believes everyone has the right to a fair living wage.
I’m ready for someone who has empathy.
I’m ready for someone who has compassion.
I’m ready for someone who is inclusive.
I’m ready for someone who isn’t a bully.
I’m ready for someone who doesn’t display the worst of masculinity.
I’m ready for someone who won’t separate children from their parents.
I’m ready for someone who will reunite children with their parents.
I’m ready for someone who believes Black lives matter.
I’m ready for someone who doesn’t incite violence.
I’m ready for someone who wants to tackle income inequality.
I’m ready for someone who wants to tackle racial inequality.
I’m ready for someone who wants to tackle systemic racism.
I’m ready for someone who doesn’t stoke fear.
I’m ready for someone who doesn’t think white supremacists are “fine people.”
I’m ready for someone who doesn’t like white supremacists.
I’m ready for someone white supremacists don’t think is just like them.
I’m ready for someone who doesn’t think veterans are “suckers” and “losers”.
I’m ready for someone who isn’t corrupt.
I’m ready for someone who can accept criticism.
I’m ready for someone who can admit his mistakes.
I’m ready for someone who apologizes.
I’m ready for someone who listens.
I’m ready for someone who doesn’t put himself first.
I’m ready for someone who doesn’t demand loyalty.
I’m ready for someone who has humility.
I’m ready for someone who has self-awareness.
I’m ready for someone who is kind.
I’m ready for someone who doesn’t believe QA-non conspiracy theories.
I’m ready for someone who releases his tax returns.
I’m ready for someone who actually pays his taxes.
I’m ready for someone who wants our country to heal.
I’m ready for someone who will help our country heal.
I’m ready for someone who understands democracy.
I’m ready for someone who respects democracy.
I’m ready for someone who will fight for our democracy.
I’m ready for someone who is calm and honest.
I’m ready to not be so tired.
I’m ready to not feel so overwhelmed by chaos.
I’m ready for loving couples.
I’m ready for dogs.
I’m ready to love my country again.
I’m ready for leaders who truly love our country.
I’m ready for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
What about you?

Vicki Larson’s So It Goes column runs every other week. Contact her at and follow her on Twitter at OMG Chronicles.

This was printed in the Marin Independent Journal, San Rafael, California and sent to me by my (Pat Simmons’) brother-in-law.

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