I was quite pleased to read the letter to the editor from Dan Swanson (July 26) because it was very much like the letter I have for months thought to write. It is amazing to me that patriotic people have not understood that the president is a fascist and has been behaving like one since he took office.
If history is not understood, unthinkable things will repeat themselves. Think Benito Mussolini. I’m certain the POTUS would have warmed to him as he has to every despot he has met … Putin, Xi, Duterte, Kim, Duda, Bolsonaro … mutual admiration, best of buddies. At the same time, he has virtually alienated the leaders of the countries once our closest allies. I will not belabor Swanson’s insightful points, other than to agree that POTUS is plainly creating a setting for potential coup should he proclaim his loss by any margin to be the result of a rigged election. Make no mistake. All indicators are that the forces of Secret Service and Homeland Security are loyal to POTUS first and only secondarily (maybe) to the Constitution such personnel took an oath to defend. I am not a chicken little here when I simply point out the obvious. I have voted both Democrat and Republican, and the POTUS is neither, nor has he religion, scruples or honesty.
This stage has been and continues to be set as we, the American people, continue to sleep soundly believing in the strength of our Democratic Republic. Time will tell the story. Truly, I hope my assessment of this rapidly evolving state of affairs is proven wrong in November.
John Mitchell
Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letter to the Editor 8/4/20