In the People's Interest

Not the time for sweeping changes to public health


There are several bills in the Montana legislature that will create extra bureaucracy and tie the hands of our public health officials and local elected officials to implement public health measures. It is true that in Montana, public health authority in many counties lies in the hands of unelected boards of health.
However, it is important to remember that elected county commissioners and city commissioners are charged with appointing those health board members. Local public health officials are working endless hours to coordinate testing, contact tracing, and vaccinations, all while developing and implementing evidence-based guidelines to help business, schools, and community
organizations to safely operate. They are community members doing their absolute best to keep everyone safe in very difficult times.
This isn’t the time to implement sweeping changes. The current system works. Our public health officials deserve our respect, support, and appreciation.
Lander Cooney
Ellie Martin

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letter to the Editor 3/4/21

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