In the People's Interest

GOP tax cuts for rich adding to nation’s debt

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GOP tax cuts for rich adding to nation’s debt Sen. Steve Daines and Rep. Giantforte have no clue as to how our economy functions. When Trump took office the U.S. economy was growing at a nice clip. In fact, more jobs were created during Obama’s last three years of office than have been created during Trump’s […]

In the People's Interest

Support Dems to achieve a clean energy future

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Support Dems to achieve a clean energy future Montana is behind in clean energy. Environmental Defense Fund put together a coalition of states, consumer, utility, labor and environmental justice groups to gain 150 co-sponsors for the 100% Clean Economy Act, currently before the U.S. House. Other EDF-led examples: Colorado passed a 2019 law mandating a 90% cut in climate […]

In the People's Interest

Defend Democracy

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Bozeman GOP too scared of Trump to defend democracy Our Constitution only matters if those in positions of power have the courage to uphold and defend it. I wanted to believe that Republican senators and congressmen would do so, but they’re no longer the party of Lincoln, Eisenhower and Reagan. They’re Trump’s party now, and […]

In the People's Interest

Democratic Candidate Debates “Facing Off”

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 The Bozeman Daily Chronicle featured front page on Saturday, February 22, 2020, two articles with pictures about our Democratic Candidate Debate held on Friday, February 21, 2020 at the Emerson. Click here to see “Candidates for Senate discuss climate, healthcare, wages” and “Cooney, Williams outline differences in second debate” written by Perrin Stein. Click here […]

In the People's Interest

Democrats Energized by Local and State Candidates Filing on First Day

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New candidates, incumbents and a former legislator fill the Democratic ranks for PSC, County Commission and State Legislature.  BOZEMAN, MT.  The Gallatin Democrats proudly announce a strong slate of capable, qualified leaders running in the 2020 election for Public Service Commission, County Commission and Montana legislative seats. Included is a promising group of new and […]

In the People's Interest

Gallatin County Democrats Weigh In on Non-partisan Elections

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In response to House Bill 129, the Gallatin County Commission is considering asking the voters of Gallatin County to change county elections from partisan to non-partisan. For more information, visit After discussion among members of the Gallatin County Democrats, we submitted the following statement in opposition to this proposed change in Gallatin County. On behalf […]