In the People's Interest

Trump’s Lack of Character putting Country at Risk

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Character. For the sake of a letter to the editor may we start with the definition: “The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.” Traits that build out character are fairness, citizenship, caring, responsibility, trustworthiness and respect. By example, Abraham Lincoln embodied honesty, empathy and humility. It’s basically what we teach our children in […]

In the People's Interest

As much as he Denies it, the buck stops with Trump

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More than a year before Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt started preparing for the war he knew was coming. He knew that to be prepared, he would have to organize tremendous changes in the economy: order industry to make tanks instead of automobiles, sacrificing profits; persuading unions not to fight for higher wages; controlling prices; and […]

In the People's Interest

Now is the Time to Reinvest in Government, Science

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As we face an unprecedented economic and health crisis that threatens our way of life and our very survival, where is the “free market” in our time of need? The “free market” is panicking, with historic declines in stocks and devoid of any solutions. The corporations, who received large tax breaks and squandered it by further […]

In the People's Interest

Renewed Bipartisanship a Chance to Attack Climate

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If the renewed level of bipartisanship among our political leaders can carryover past this crisis, we can immediately begin building a much stronger and resilient economy by attacking the climate crisis. We have the know-how to put people back to work at higher production jobs. In Montana, these include: • Advancing energy conservation in all existing […]

In the People's Interest

Actions Don’t Match the Words of Daines, Gianforte

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Actions don’t match the words of Daines, Gianforte It’s that time of year again, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) came out with their annual environmental scorecard, a scorecard based upon the environmental voting record of Congress during the previous year. I’ve presented this data a few years back, highlighting how Montana’s delegation has viewed […]

In the People's Interest

Trump shaping us into country we don’t want

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Trump shaping us into country we don’t want Those of us escaping Nazi bombs, which began falling on Antwerp on my third birthday, somehow crossed Europe to Portugal, then fortunately got on a boat from which we settled in the United States and thereafter became true citizens. My father and I, in our long separated military […]