In the People's Interest

Senate Bill 100 would hurt our needy neighbors

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A concerning bill is about to become law in Montana. I urge our representatives not to support SB 100. Serving not-for-profit organizations showed me situations that work against the common good. This bill, named as anti-fraud, hurts our needy neighbors as they must struggle against requirements of eligibility every six months. If they cannot access […]

In the People's Interest

Bill would be disaster for NorthWestern customers

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The No. 1 disaster bill, Senate Bill 379, for every NorthWestern Energy utility customer has arrived in our frenzied Legislature! This bill will transfer over one billion dollars in costs to the customers of NWE as part of a money making machine for their stockholders. The Public Service Commission will be required to allow NWE […]

In the People's Interest

Getting what we deserve at the state Legislature

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“A properly functioning democracy depends on an informed electorate.” Thomas Jefferson wrote about the importance of a well-informed electorate many times. It appears we have dismissed Jefferson’s ideal. On a daily basis we are witness to the clown show in Helena. The Republican controlled state Legislature and governor are determined to destroy our state’s wildlife […]

In the People's Interest

Relief bill builds on ACA’s health care success

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March 23 was the 11th anniversary of the day that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law by President Barack Obama. In the eleven years since, more than 20 million people have gained health coverage because of the ACA and over 130 million people now have protections from discrimination against preexisting conditions. The […]

In the People's Interest

State Legislature taking us down the wrong path

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Some folks may not be familiar with the extreme state budget cutting measures that took place in “The Kansas Experiment,” I encourage everyone to look it up. That experiment was a disaster. Montana’s legislature is now trying to take us down that path. Trickle Down Economics are proven to rig an economy against the average […]

In the People's Interest

Violence Against Women Act deserves support

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The Violence Against Women Act was allowed to lapse in 2019 by the Trump administration. Now, with an amended act having been brought forth in the House on March 17, 2021, 172 Republicans voted against it. And this was less than 24 hours after a mass shooter killed seven women in Atlanta Georgia. More women […]