In the People's Interest

Wisdom, cooperative spirit make Stafman right choice

Some years ago, I was listening to a local radio show where the panelists were diverse religious leaders from our community who were discussing several important community topics. Ed Stafman
had brought them together to discover common areas of agreement. He was not there to convince others, or to cajole or to demean or to rail against some else’s deeply held faith, but rather to share experiences so that each could recount the good deeds that all faiths have brought to their peoples and their communities.
Calmly, light heartedly and effortlessly, Stafman led this diverse panel of religious leaders through topics of community responsibility, fiscal sanity, the critical role of public education, and examined what would constitute a common view of a social safety net for those less fortunate than ourselves, and much more. Ed Stafman is a true leader, not just because of smart policy, also because he listens so well, has the wisdom and experience to set in motion cooperative efforts, and has the knowledge of how the system works.
This November I will be voting for Ed Stafman, HD 62, in the great state of Montana.
Roger Lang

Bozeman Daily Chronicle, Letter to the Editor 10/28/20

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