In the People's Interest

Morigeau respected by both parties, deserves vote

When it’s time to vote, especially in a big National election, we sometimes aren’t familiar with elected offices down the ballot and rely on asking friends who to vote for. I’m going to tell you about Shane Morigeau, a two-term state legislator, who is running to be Montana state auditor, an important office in which the rights of all Montanans can be protected. Shane is a Salish and Kootenai tribal member and a graduate of the UM law school. He has been a strong advocate for Medicare expansion, reining in healthcare and insurance costs and for protecting women, children and others in need.
I met Rep. Morigeau when I was in Helena in 2019 testifying on behalf of his House bill that sought to establish Indigenous People’s Day statewide. A strong advocate for learning about our history and righting wrongs, Shane was eloquent in arguing that acts of justice benefit all Montanans. From my experience, it is clear that Shane has great respect from both Republicans and Democrats for his work ethic and his calm and reasoned intelligence.
Join me in voting for Shane Morigeau for state auditor.
Dede Taylor

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